By: Deyaniro Delgado

Over 72 million children world wide have no education or aren't able to go to school because of their sex, religion, language, ethnic background, finacial problems, poverty and several more reasons. Many places in Africa, Asia and Middle East are strongly against education rights for girls and women. Alot of places in these countries are also ruled by warlords, very poor, living in poverty, or the education isn't free like America. In Saudi Arabia the litericy rate for boys is 78% and for girls the rate is 48%, in Nigeria the rate for boys is 62% and for girls its 39% and in Libia the rate for boys is 75%. Not every child in the world doesn't have the right or access to an education, but everyone should.  Some children get taken from their families or abducted. Those who are taken into foster care often get separated from their siblings and bounced around to too many different foster placements. Some endure further abuse in the child welfare systems that are supposed to protect them. Instead of being safely reunified with their families  or moved quickly into adoptive homes when reunification proves impossible many languish for years in temporary foster care placements or institutions.

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