By Siera Brown

When you think of poverty in California you probably think of specific spots like San Francisco or Oakland but in reality poverty is everywhere. California is in fact the poorest state, as of recently.

Lets look at the facts:

In recent years, California has maintained a substantially higher poverty rate than the rest of the nation: 16.1% compared to 12%. Only New York and Washington D.C. possess higher poverty rates once living costs are factored in.

Poverty in California is higher among women, 16%, than men, 14%, and highest among children, as a staggering 21% of California’s children live in poverty.

In 1969, 12% of poor families had a member who worked full-time. Today, over 34% of poor families in California have a full-time worker and an additional 39% have a part-time worker. Poverty, more than ever, is tied to working people.

It is said the reasoning for California's very high poverty is a multitude of things. For instance, the governments wrong estimation of California's Census Bureau (The Census Bureau one source for current population data and the latest Economic Indicators).

The child poverty level in California rose 4 percent from 2006 to now. Children's poverty is, of course, everywhere but when it's right outside your front door it becomes real to you. Helping these kids is imperative to helping our society grow.  

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